Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Is Your Arm Still Waving After Your Hand Has Stopped? Fight The Fat on Your Arms, Abs and Thighs With New Kickboxing Workout

Nothing Beats Flabby Arms Like Punching Heavy Bags
For those of you who have patriotic arms, we have the solution for you.  ...You know the kind arms that wave like a flag when you move your hands.  It's like a flap of flab that acts like a ziplock bag full of happy jello beneath your arms.  Now you can say goodbye to flabby arms and hello to toned, lean and shapely arms you can be proud of.

Each of our bodies are different.  Some body types store more fat in front, others in back, and still some others spread it around into fun places like beneath the arms.  Chances are that if you have this genetic pre-disposition that you've had fun with trying to hide it and get clothes that fit your python arms.

Plan of Attack on Your Arms
The secret to firming up those arms is two fold.  First, you'll need to address your nutrition with sensible solutions that you can stick to.  Second, you'll need to tone baby tone with some resistance exercises.

When you come to K3 Kickboxing, you'll discover the power of punching for toning your arms and body like never before.  You'll develop muscles you never thought you had all while punching the stuffing out of a heavy bag.  It's a great way to have fun while building a toned and healthy body.

Not only that, but you'll be busting stress too.  Stress triggers a release of cortisol in the body.  Cortisol in turn signals our body to store fat to prepare for survival. Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a steroid hormone, more specifically a glucocorticoid, produced by the zona fasciculata of the adrenal gland. Cortisol is known as 'the stress hormone' because stress activates cortisol secretion. When you start kickboxing, you'll release stress and burn fat like never before. Kickboxing the right way helps bring the body back into a healthy balance.

iLoveKickboxing.com is catching on because it is a fun, positive place that doesn't sugar coat the truth about fighting fat.  The coaches will tell it like it is, not just what you want to hear.  This has several benefits as you can see in the results of our members.  Check out some of the before and after pictures here.

Now a lot of these people have tried diets, gyms, the kickboxing at the local fitness club, boxing aerobics, and all the latest trends and fads.  But what they find works for them is iLoveKickboxing's addictively fun workouts with positive, like-minded people.

Give it a try today and transform your life.

Unleash your inner kickboxer!

Free Boxing Gloves with $19.95 three class Webspecial.

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