Monday, March 14, 2011 How To Succeed in Fitness Where Others Fail

How To Succeed Where Others Fail in Fitness
Part 1 of 5

Over the past 25 years of training thousands of people to be stronger in mind, body and spirit, I've learned my share of lessons.  Many of those lessons were learned from making mistakes, and others from from successes.  What I've learned I would like to share with you so that you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, strong mind and body for life.

I'm sure you've seen many other people lose weight, get fit or do something transformational for a time.  However, you have probably also noticed that it rarely lasts. Nearly everyone who starts a diet, new workout or the latest greatest "thing" reverts back, gains the weight again and is once again struggling.  Why?

My answer is based on studying both the yo-yo group who go on and off programs, changing with the winds and whims (from Grapefruit diets, Atkins, various workout equipment and so on) to the long term highly successful - the truly healthy group.  The difference comes down to the next four elements I will share with you.

I'm a big believer that when you really want something you will have it.  The key is determining if you really want it then getting absolutely clear and congruent on that goal at a deep level.  I'll reveal the important components to that in the next article.  For now I would encourage you to take some action for your health and fitness by checking out  It will change your life.


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